Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Yarning along on a sunny September day

Well thank you to everyone who commented on last week's yarn along post 
- your comments were lovely to read 

but I fear that you may all be expecting something spectacularly stunning to emerge from my yarn and needles and that you might find the end result disappointingly functional. 

I really hope that isn't the case. 

 Anyway, I have made good progress with my shawl during the last week. This is an easy knit, 

just plain old stocking stitch with the odd couple of rows of garter stitch 
thrown in to break up the plainness.

I took these photos in the garden - we are enjoying some beautiful sunny days here in the UK. 

The mornings have been misty and I love driving to work through a particular village where the mist lies low over the fields and at the time I am driving the sun is just poking above the mist, 
a huge orange orb.

And as for my book.... I have just started reading "The Map of Time" by Felix J Palma which, so far, I am enjoying very much but I think it will take me some time to finish as it is a loooong book.

Joining in with Ginny's yarn along
Best wishes


  1. Such beautiful yarn, its looking a real delight.

  2. I agree the yarn looks so cozy and warm- beautiful!

  3. We're lucky with the weather this week--a welcome change after those rainy days we' had towards the end of August. Hope this nice weather stays around for a few more weeks. I'm loving the yarn colour you've chosen. Looking forward to the finished shawl. It will be gorgeous! x

  4. Definitely looks like it will be a super snuggly shawl :)

  5. What a lovely yarn! It looks so warm and cozy.

  6. Your shawl is looking good. We're also having misty mornings (more like fog this morning) but clearing to give beautiful days.

  7. It looks pretty gorgeous to me!

  8. That Sirdar looks amazingly soft


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Caz xx