Saturday, 11 April 2015

Some swoon...

Some swoon at a beautiful new handbag.............

 Some swoon at a shiny pair of shoes......... 

 Some swoon at an immaculately clean house............ 

Some swoon at a gleaming new car..........

Some swoon at their growing collection of their favourite yarn ............

Oh yes, a visit to John Lewis and somehow three more balls 
of this gorgeous yarn ended up in a shopping bag in my 
hand ....... how do these things happen?
Three new shades to me!!!

P.S. I have been known to swoon to all of the above!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


  1. Ditto the swoon!!! What's it like to knit/crochet with?? I'm eager to get some rowan wool cotton to try! X

  2. lovely colours, I love John Lewis for wool

  3. Just one word to say - swoon!!!!

  4. Wonderful, me too. I quite like new handbags and clean houses too, but they're in short supply around here. CJ xx

  5. Yes, how do they happen?!? It's probably why I try to avoid the haberdashery at John Lewis whenever I stop by the shop. Not easy. Sometimes I leave with fabrics and other sewing whatnot and I also wonder- how did that happen? X

  6. I'm swooning with you, scrumptious new colours xx

  7. I'm swooning too, I've got a few John Lewis vouchers but my local one doesn't stock yarn :(

  8. Rows and rows of beautifully arranged yarn are so hard to resist; love your new colours. Hope you're enjoying your weekend too xx

  9. Ooh yes, count me in for a swoon! John Lewis is fatal for that isn't it. That cherry red colour is calling my name :-) Xx

  10. It is all very swoon-worthy. How can you not buy balls of yarn that jump into your basket and ask to be taken home?

  11. So gorgeous. Love those new shades.


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Caz xx